Okey, right now I just had nothing to do so I’m going to mumble for a while. Ahh..i miss my blog yet I’m not so keen to update it. Just a story bout my life, ordinary one but I like to keep it as journal as one day whenever I stuck , I have something to recall back n think how far I have rented this life n I’m not going to lose hope if something occluded me in future. Yes, life is tiring but what else we can do? I just thought about it. Recently I felt so down but as I took a moment to breathe, I said to myself ‘hey girl, u’ve grown up so big, don’t lose urself for such things!’ Of course I felt sorrowed, low esteem, ever and always as I’m also a human, not a robot ^,^. But that makes my life beautiful as I colored my life with such variable moods. I do envy a person who has such talents ~ brilliant mind, outspoken, n good looking youngsters. However, I try to think it from another aspect, other than just biting my own lips. Though I lack of such things maybe I’m good from another side which I’m not discovered it yet. I used to figure it out from people around me. I noticed that my friends who are not though really excel in academic actually like some are really great in communication, others much better Samaritan than excellent person. I’m not saying totally 100% a good academia not make a good friend. I’m going to coax myself ‘darling, though u own not Giselle Bundchen’s figure, Einstein’s brain and Trump’s empire, but u have ur own self! Do have a heart, renovate it beautifully though u r not shining as diamond on naked eyes but do bloom inside.’ Yes, this revolution thing that lingered in my mind these few days are totally about the way I am today, which need some repairing.
Actually this idea just popped out when I listened to a new song ‘Revolusi’ by Bunkface, an indie band. Their lyrics are so deep to me, as I used to repeat for tens time. N then the thought of why not I’m being the subject to have this revolution peered into my mind. I do want to be better person as I’m not satisfied with my habits recently. Actually bad habits. N as a Muslim, I have to do some ‘muhasabah’ to improve myself! I have to work hard for this plan as it is not going to be an easy route.
*Revolution*changes in short period of time
I’m an expert on postponing the tasks
~Yes I can do it earlier this time. Strict zone!
I’ve gained some pounds this holidays. Eating disorder again. This holiday my diet only last for 24 hrs.
~I actually can control my meal just I need to discipline myself to stick to it. Stick urself either I’ll end up like a panda!
Though I hate to sleep but I always overslept
~Cut up ur sleep time n limit it to max 8 hrs but have to min 6.5!
Actually this idea just popped out when I listened to a new song ‘Revolusi’ by Bunkface, an indie band. Their lyrics are so deep to me, as I used to repeat for tens time. N then the thought of why not I’m being the subject to have this revolution peered into my mind. I do want to be better person as I’m not satisfied with my habits recently. Actually bad habits. N as a Muslim, I have to do some ‘muhasabah’ to improve myself! I have to work hard for this plan as it is not going to be an easy route.
*Revolution*changes in short period of time
I’m good at debating people informally esp my parents
~Talk less my dear n even though u r not disagreeing with them, use silent mode!
~Talk less my dear n even though u r not disagreeing with them, use silent mode!
I’m an expert on postponing the tasks
~Yes I can do it earlier this time. Strict zone!
I’ve gained some pounds this holidays. Eating disorder again. This holiday my diet only last for 24 hrs.
~I actually can control my meal just I need to discipline myself to stick to it. Stick urself either I’ll end up like a panda!
Though I hate to sleep but I always overslept
~Cut up ur sleep time n limit it to max 8 hrs but have to min 6.5!