
Days before, i read a story in newspapers which a shockingly peers on nowadays over act liberalism among teens. WTH! Did they thought only about have fun, screw up n experience a bit romance from opposite sex during their teen time? Remembers girls, those won't last long. We have religion and i'm much pretty sure none religion in this world allows free wooho before marriage. But what's happening today? I don't really care if it's what happening in West as the word one-night-stand is a common for them. N i think we as East, especially a Muslim never n ever has to make it as our lifestyle. But yes, it happens this day in our community! I'd heard from my bff that my neighbour, a boy whom i think it's not a good idea if anyone else in my family or his family know this gossip. He screwed his gf n the girl got pregnant. Fortunately that girl is a playgirl so she couldn't be sure who is the father so she took another bf to be married. I eventually don't want to trust 100% on this gossip but the truth was both once were coupling. I could see his gloomy expression just after the girl got married. Is it a sample to show that love is blind *shrug*. Okay here come the story i got from paper which is totally 100% sure. There were two girls lodged a police report of been raped by nine men who are freakily their beloved bfs' friends. That night, those girls hanged with their bfs together. Then the boys pledged them to make wooho n totally hypnotized by sweet words n hormones they gave green light. But the luck was not with the girls. After having 'honey' time their bfs called up nine other members to taste the girls. Pity them. Should we? *sigh* We always been fed with stories about how pure n clean is love. But most misinterpret it. Do they think to prove their love is really great they would do everything for their lovers? I absolutely say no. Don't let it burns ourselves especially for the boy. Just love them when they are rightly yours. Not by the word of lover but husband. And do love our parents before the time comes. And foremost let the name of ALLAH n RASULULLAH be at the peak of our love. I know as a teen we ever want to feel a kind of feeling of been chased of, n chasing opposite sex but never let it sway us deep into something we going to regret in future. Love ourselves.


Qib said…
LOl,. raped by 9 men??

totally freaking me out,.
may ALLAH be with me always,.

take care ekin..!:))
nuraru said…
Yeah..9 men + 1 bf
But what else
we can say

It was their fault
to be in th0se sh0es

I will ^,^