Letih [*.*’]


Pejam celik pejam celik ari ni dah hari ke 12 aku kat sini. Hurm.. dah lame aku x b'blog neh. Aku tengah borim tahap petala lapan neh asyik duk ngadap textbook bel462..so here i am switching my laptop, browsing my blog.. Sori la muh dear blog as i'm being so damn busy lately. Actually, right now i'm at the beginning of my future. The rest of 5 yrs, the road that i'm taken right now is not an easy life. No matter how much it is going to take me, i'll set my best foot on it. Just keep the phrase muh dear "Forget the past, live the present and smile for the future".. Ngeeee...

Aku daftar kat kolej delima 3hb lepas. Aku mula2 mmg suka kolej neh sbb hanya 2 org sbilik. Buhbyee melati yang biliknya mmg kedap udara. Bayangkan 4 org kongsi bilik yg sekangkang kera...!!! but whenever i knew that i got the 5th floor with no lift, my heart sunk down. Aku sbilik dgn ana. Mmg jodoh aku dgn dia mmg kuat la. Bygkan la aku dh stat sekelas dgn dia sjk form2 tp xda la baek sgt. Masuk mrsm pc pum skali n once again we met in uitm with the same course.

MBBS220- - that is the course code i'm facing rite now! Uwaa... no more idle, relaxing life after this. OMG can i do it??? Sometimes i don't have that confidence to pursue on such demanding course. Very demanding of my time, energy, mental n of cos la money. Tengah pokai skum neyh. Bygkanla harga buku dh pum nk mncecah sribu..blom cmpur ag dengan yuran pengajian+kolej.. hailaa maaa...MARA ooo MARA bilakah akan masuk elaun kami neyh??? Dah nk botak kamek2 smua neh!! Yang paling aku xsuke pasal course neyh adalah kerna too much topics to be covered in this 1st year. Aku xpuas ati betol la. Tyme aku sentiasa je jadik bhn eksperimen. Dhla dulu2 thun aku la yg jdik perintis BI sains math. Skum neyh FOM pum ubah gune integrated system pom mase tyme aku. Bayangkanla kitorg kene blaja 10 subj~ anat, physio, biochem, parasit, microb, pharma, patho, phpm, plus 2 electives- bel462 n titas ctu551. Seksa jiwa raga aku. Sblom neyh aku suke giler duk heboh kat manusia yg aku neyh akan blajar 3 basic subj jer. Hampeh ngat.. x aci la cos senior kitorg jus blaja anat, physio, biochem, bel n titas for their 1st year! Sangatla x adil dunia neh.!! Wuteva la yg pentim aku men aci redah je la pasni as long as i can catch up. Pray for me x(

Minggu first ada welcoming orientasi. Agakla borim tpi ad gak yg pros nye. Yg aku plg suke program explorace. Huhu.. my group got the 6th place out of 20. Kire hebatla tu kerjasama kitorg wpun xckup sorang ahli. Tensen aku dgn mamat tuh. Bdk2 pompuan leh msuk, hang pesal? Siap blik rumah ag. Gentle arr skett. N then ada prog mentor-mentee n nentor-nentee. Hehe korang msti konfius kan.. mentor- mentee tuh cam abi wa ummi la a.k.a jugak cam prog bapak/mak angkat. Aku dapat A/P Dr Than Winn, burmanese maaa..but he spoke clearly n i like him. Very caring towards my group. N for the nentor, i got kak dilla, i think she is a mixed of Arab.

Ok, cakap sal blaja plak. *sigh* minggu 1st dh ada 2 assgment, tu xkire ag dgn yg kene revise. Pasni xtau la camne. Ya ALLAH, kau kuatkanlah aku untuk menghadapi semua ini. Dan tekadkanlah aku di jalanMu ini. Sesungguhnya aku adalah hambaMu yang lemah. Hanya kepadaMu lah aku berserah dan bimbinglah aku dalam usaha mencari cahayaMu. Aminn.. Aku perlu kuat+aku perlu tabah+aku perlu rajin+aku perlu positif+aku perlu confident.. ^,^ just keep pushing on muh dear. Ohohoho.. ckp psl td aku ad lab anat. N aku segroup dgn sorg mamat ensem. Comey sgt die ~~ alamakk.. hormone aku dah t'stimulated smula dh plak. Xperla jadikan sbgai catalyst la maa...ngehehe.. act dye bkam group aku tp t'silap msuk. Poyo ngoh ah mamat tuh. Tpi dye mmg xcited ah bab stadi. Mase aku duk diskus sal resolution dgn my frens, dye dtg mncelah kat tepi aku. Punyerla t'kejut plus gabra aku neyh. Tapi control maintain ah maa... dye plak dgn muka slumber rock dtg duk explain kt ktorang. So sweettt.. ok dah2..control your hormone muh dear.


........................................................................... KEEP FIGHTING KEEP MOVING KEEP MY FAITH KEEP WORKING KEEP SUCCESSING. BASHA!!......................................................................................





Ina_Joelina said…
my dear fren is in love?
how can dear?
jgn jdkan dia catalyst...
terseksa jiwa raga nt..
nuraru said…
oh my gosh~~~
maen2 j la ina...
dh msuk dlm burn list
dh mamat tuh..
xleh pakai pny!
ceh...ayat direct..
ilep ah ina
mse mude neyh hormon cam xbtul ngat
tp insyaALLAH
i'll try my best to control it