huhu..marriage.. us, girls love to talk bout it as we love to gossip. But one thing that we fear the most is be alone till the end. Yes, we do need a good guy to live with. But not now. Some of my girls always asked my status. Frankly, i confide that i'm SINGLE. And then they asked back "tak takut ke nanti tak kahwin sbb tak de pakwe?" Something like that la. I'm tired of that question actually ;p. And sometimes whenever that question popped back in my mind, i nearly being swayed of the logic that i have to have special boyfriend first hand before marrying someone. And do that mean i have to be in a relationship status first with some guy first or either there would be no one going to marry me? That was before. Now i'm 20. And i swear for those 20 years, i never ever try coupling :) . Not to say that i'm such a good girl but i'm yet not ready for such a commitment. Let me live my life for my mom, dad, family and my girlfriends first before i rent my life for you guy ::)) There would be no vital need for an outsider guy to be in my diary just right now..But of course our 'jodoh tak kan datang bergolek'. We have to find our soulmate but in a way that prove by our religion. Like what i have heard from an 'ustaz', there will be many ways your partner would come, each through the doors that you prefer to seek them. Is money, handsome, status, or religion is your preference? Knock your cardia, and hear what your cranium would say.
Vile women, and [vile] words, are for vile men, and vile men for vile women, and the mentioned [vile words]. Good women, and as mentioned [good words], are for good men, and good men for good women,
-tafsir annur:26-
i really hope there would be a guy out there in next 6 years to come would marry me because of my religion and ready enough to be a leader to our family. Aminn
op kos la yang.. mesti pyne..
mula2 jek tanak.. pasni nak..
sape yg xnk?
jgn.. ;p