On 20th April, 2010, a drawing appeared on Internet announcing May 20th to be an international day where everybody should create a drawing of Prophet Mohammed, may peace and blessings be upon him, as an event supporting unrestricted freedom of speech. The drawing went viral on the internet, and within one week the idea became popular on Facebook, was supported by numerous bloggers, and generated coverage on the blog websites of major U.S. newspapers. I was shocked, disappointed on how the world revolves out there mostly in west. Most of islamophobias are making many strategies to ruin islam. Insulting muslims that obedient to their faith, killing muslims that tried to protect their own land, provoking muslims by making fun of their sacred figure. Honestly, i become enraged of knowing they held such a day. Drawing a picture of someone, that very special to the hearts of muslims. Can you draw a picture of someone you never meet? It is impossible. They are making fun of someone that we loved the most. My heart really bled. I got to watch some videos on youtube that making fun of islam and supporting draw Muhammad day. Most of them are still kids, ignorant kids trying to seek for attention. They talk arrogantly, in denial, insulting a faith of millions people. What they know about islam was all about terrorist, rage, unfair. I got to chat with some of them. They do practice freedom of speech. That what they said. Insulting people, provoking others, are that what freedom of speech that west tried to teach us? No, they only stomped on muslims. Merely or mostly not to other religions. Why? Because we are terrorist? love to kill people? Some of them hate islam because they say islam is a religion with no human rights. Muslims are being deceived by islam. How can someone that are not muslims say something like that? I am a muslim and i am not being deceived by islam. Actually they know nothing about islam. But they still write nonsense about something. Freedom of speech. Free to talk with no education. Free to provoke hatred between others. I am not saying i am against freedom of speech. But most had misused it. People, islam taught us to respect other religions. Love others with no boundaries though differ in religions, country, or race. And we are not terrorists. How can someone that tried to defend their land could be entitled as terrorist? Even dogs have the courage to attack back the people who attack them. But people, i am not saying all muslims are good. Some are using islam by killing people. Islam doesn't teach us to kill innocent people. But what can i say here is, when you want to judge that religion, don't look on the believers. As the believers are humanbeings. And humans are not perfect. They do mistakes. It was like a teacher teaches her student mathematics. Some would score the top and some students would fail. That's it. The same goes to religions. Please, don't judge our religion because of what some of us did. Do you like to being called a criminal when you do nothing bad, in spite of just one of your family members being a criminal? But my dear friends, attacking others back harshly was not the way taught by islam. They could just want to provoke us, waiting for our time to make another massacre, that could be their strategy to dishonor our faith again. Muslims, do practice what the Prophet had taught us. Treat hatred with love. Most of them don't know about islam. It is our duty to preach them, letting them know the real islam.
When some enemies of Islam once walked by the Prophet ﷺ in Madinah, they said to him, “As-Sa’mu Alaikum” (Death be upon you), trying to slyly make it sound like “Assalamu-Alaikum” (Peace be upon you). They didn’t write against him, draw against him – they spoke directly to him. He, with the calm demeanor of prophethood, simply responded – “Wa alaikum”, and upon you. He did not escalate or insult – he responded by reflecting their greeting, without mentioning anything negative himself or lowering his noble speech.

“And you [Oh Prophet] are upon the noblest of character.” (Qur’an, 68:4)
His wife `Aisha, who out of her love for him, acted in a way many Muslims today do and yelled: “May the curse of Allah be upon you, and his punishment, and his…!”
The Prophet ﷺ stopped her saying: “Calm down oh `Aisha, calm down. There is not gentleness in anything, except that it becomes more beautiful, and there is not harshness in anything except that it makes it ugly. So be calm oh Aisha.“
That was our Prophet. Muhammad ﷺ . Never let anger took control on him. Trying to spread the truth patiently, ignoring what others did and said to him.
The truth sometimes costs us to hurt but in the end it really worth.
“…And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, “Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance.” If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.” (Qur’an, 2:120)
Most of the resources i get to accomplish my new post i have taken it from http://www.suhaibwebb.com/politics/it-is-time-for-muslim-to-stop-burning-flags-and-start-burning-their-desires-cartoons-and-comics-ust-abdu-sattar/ . Guys do take a look on the article if you are free, because it was really a great article. :)
i like the way u wrote