i've been tagged :)

my first tag! from my dearest friend, tiah. I've been tagged quite some time but only recently i realized it. ;p d/t my long time had not been here (my exams).

1-5 names that people call u
nurul, ekin, syikin, adik, katak puru :p

2-5 important dates in ur life
25/2-i've been born on that day
n everyone else bday dates (byk nk catat)
thanks for being born :) u all make my day

3-5 things that u have done yesterday
brush my teeth, comb my hair, washing my face ;pp
went to pasar minggu
finish up my birthday video
watching kl drift2

4-5 ways to be happy
love yourself
love others the way you loved yourself
smile.spread it
organised yourself
say no to procrastination

5-5 favourite muvies
resident evil
buzzer beat
200 pounds beauty

6- 5 favourite hobbies
reading novels
hanging out
surfing net
talking merapu

7- 5 favourite people
taylor swift, selena gomez, miley cyrus kui3

9- 5 reasons y u answer this survey
too much laa..
ok the reason is i've been tagged by tiah
as an honor to her ;pp
i have nothing to do right now

