i dont know why there is so much hatred out there. Killing innocent people, hurting women and children, how could they be so not human? Zionist, the world hates you. Stop your massacre. Please stop those your animalistics. We can't stand any longer seeing your drama. Ya Allah, do help our brothers and sisters in Gaza. And right now, the latest inhumane deed they did was shooting on harmless volunteers for blockade of Gaza Strip that brought suppliers to Palestinians. At least 15 harmless, innocent, good hearted humanitarians died upon the attack. And there are 12 malaysian activists on the ship. It has been about 2 days going on, why can't they still not releasing the other crews? But what make me hate the israel the most is instead of apologizing, they kept denying their fault. Making into the ship crews's fault. Let me tell you, the world is not going to buy your another stories. Release the humanitarians! For those who watching the news tonight, they could figure out how unfair PBB could be. Instead of pressing israel to release the kidnap activists, they just ordered a fair, thorough investigations to be made. OMG, what on earth is fair if those zionists are on the game? The world could not have nuclear weapons, but they have millions of them. They redeem for a land, making a story to be bless by world, foraging others land by massacre. They killed innocent people in searching for terrorists. Bullshit. This world is really into the end. But i still hoping for the sunshine in the end. Just like what my father had said tonight, we could do nothing just seeking for their mercy as they rule the world. People, please do rewind back what we have for today. They have the very latest updated weapons, IT, medications that would never leak into others in years. Just do some checking and surfing on their country. They control our economy, politics. Their country is so impermeable. When they critics us, our religion it was called freedom of speech. But when we tried to stomped on them back, it was called hate speech. When they attacked muslims in Palestine in name of revenge of their long ago massacre. But when we asked them to free the innocent palestinians, we are called anti-semitism. Look how they manipulating the world, trying to look better in their own dirts. But remember we have still have Allah on our side. The good will win in the end. But it will hurt through the journey.