hey guys i found this quiz that was so interesting for me. Erm actually it wasn't really a quiz i think. and i found it nowhere but when lingering through facebooking. It's about reading your palm, basically your heart line. Most people had 3 major lines on their palms which are heart, head and life lines. I don't know the truth is but as a muslim, we should not believe in fortune telling right? Well, i just did it for fun. And mostly the facts fascinated me. It could be just a coincidence but i love the result. It goes well with me. I really love it when comes to love matter. Bwahaha. Laugh on me. As it said, i am a really stone cold when comes to that matter. What about yours? :D
what your heart line says about you?

about me :
You have a calmer nature when compared to others. But you think deeply in matters of romance. You do not like public display of affection. You can sacrifice everything for the one you care for. You maintain a fine balance between selflessness and selfishness in your relationships. You are emotional in love. You will have some sad moments of disappointment in your love life. You will have an inconsistent love life filled with casual flirtations here and there. You are likely to be cold and less passionate. You are calculating in all matters of love. Your head rules your heart.
p/s: in case you feel like doing it, click here
