This post was published to perspective of restless lif... at 8:19:42 PM 8/11/2010
My gosh, i’ve been tagged! “ 25 things about me “ ? what should i write then? I couldn’t figure it out to 25 things. But i think i’ll going to make it a try to list some bored things about myself. Here we go. BEWARE: this is much a bored zone.
1. 1. 20 years old girl. And yes i’m single and ready to mingle. Err i’m not sure for the part of mingle
2. 2. Right now i’m doing medicine. A course that i’ve never ever get a slightest idea i would be taking this in my life. Hell yes i always been thinking of making a big u turn but i guess its neither the best option for me as i’ve never figure out what i want the most in my life.
3. 3. A really sensitive person. I tried sometimes to be such a ignorant but i don’t think it suits me so i think its my genetic that registered me as sensitive one. Bhahaha.
4. 4. I do love making friends. But it would take a lot of time for me to get close to someone.
5 . 5. I have a family that i will grant for nothing. Though they are not perfect, i love them the way they are. They complete me.
6. 6. I am a person that tends to procrastinate things and i used to do my task with hustle at last minute. I tried to change but it won’t last long.
7. 7. I love to read , and i am a kind of bookworm once but lately with the booming of laptops among students, i changed into “laptop-worm” or basically “electronic-worm”
8. 8. I do have bad impacts on my childhood but i think i should just let it go and get moving with my life. Forgiving is the best choice that i have but i won’t forget it till the end of my day as it did teach me of something.
9 9. I was a girl with no fear to do anything. I used to jump, play with life but as i grow older, i thought of life is more than that. And now i’ve been a girl with a fear of everything.
“ FEARLESS” is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, FEARLESS is having fears. FEARLESS is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. ” –Taylor Swift
1010. Haa. I used to think and wonder of my future too much till sometimes i do resent of my present. It might be weird for some of you but that’s me, tend to worries of every single things.
11. 11. I always used to things that were not my first choice for example i got into uni which was not uni of my dream, i got my non preferable course, and i always bought handphone that were not my choice at first place.
"...But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not."
Al Baqarah :216
12.12. I’d nearly drowned two times and i’d been saved by the same person, my best ever cousin. Still, i don’t know how to swim and now i swear i’ll get tremble with the very sight of flood.
13.13. I also got frightened with height. Acrophobia.
14.14. I got my first crush when i was seven. And then i got a lot of crushes. And they all now had gone into crashes. Of course none of them had developed very well.
15. 15. I tend to fall easily to macho men. But most are just acute admirations. Abrupt, severe but short duration only.
16.16. I care mostly about what others think before i do something. I think it is better if i could keep my head up and my ears off. I want out of everything to do anything my own way but sometimes i am afraid of doing so.
17.17. I own a very complex mind as i used to think hardly even for single things.
18.18. For those who do not know me very well, they would think i am a quieter (they comment on me a lot) but i could be very talkative with non-stop with close ones (poor them especially my family)
19.19.. I hate people who think they are much better than anybody else (arrogant). Seriously i don’t know why they would exist in this world. And i hate people who used cursing words to look cool. It makes me sick.
2020. I love myself and i thank ALLAH for giving a life for me to rent. Hope i will use this rented life for good deeds to gain His bless. Amin