second counter with contact lens

My contact lens won't detach from my real left eye! That was two days before and i swore my whole body trembled with fear as i tried like dozens time to move the grey lens peripherally. Actually there are 2 methods of how to remove contact lens.

1. you could either remove it by touching the cornea and pinch it off directly.
2. the other method which is the safer method is to move the artificial lens away from corneal into distal part of your eye smoothly first, then only you pinch your finger there to remove it. ( this method would apply minimal pressure to the cornea and it is mostly recommended) , which is the way i remove mine.

It won't detach and i could tell that grey lens adhered perfectly into my cornea and it moved no single bit though i applied eye contact drops ( the function is to lubricating and re-wetting the lens ). I cried and start thinking of going to hospital. After taking deep breath and reciting some dzikir, I started with the first method that directly pinching into my cornea. A part of the lens tore away, while the rest still in my eye. Can you tell how dried it was that it could tear while in my eye? As fast i can, i removed the rest. Alhamdulillah that nothing happens after that. That was my second nightmare with contact lens. Still figuring out either i should wear the contact lens or not but the glass won't fit my round face nicely. I just wish i could put up a shade without bothering about how i look. Oh girly thing, i used to face it. Hey, 14 days more and i'm 21 ! (unofficially).

my full moon face

I thank Allah for giving me another day, another chance to breathe in and out the living air with my loved ones.. YOU are the most mercifully giver, forever i want to be your grateful receiver. Bless me Ya Allah.

Ahha. Again today i got to see him. I don't know why but i got caught blushing again. How i wish i got tanned skin only when he's around. It's like everything is out of place, out of order when he got in. Please, don't look at me, don't rekindled the flame.


Nik Lisa said…
menakotkan lah...

teros rasa takot nak try contact lens. :(
nuraru said…
laaa..xpenah coba?
hisyy.. lau penah cuba
n dh biasa, rs cam nk pakai slalu tau...huhu