and today went like,
" guys, what the adverse effect of corticosteroids?"
" oral candidiasis ! " the class echoed
" what method to prevent it? " the russian lecturer asked back
" ........ "
" .............. "
" antibiotics! " a guesser tried her luck
" ........... ! " -lecturer's
" IT IS RIDICULOUS ! " staring straight at the girl
and that went my day by being warning, and i was actually suck at guessing.
p/s : the answer was actually by asking the patients to gargle their mouth with water after inhaling the corticosteroids and spit out the water back.
Lecturer : ....
Me: ....
Lecturer : ....
Me: ....
Lecturer: Actually you can gargle with water.
Me: Just water?
Student A : Yeah, gargle with water.
Me: If you knew the answer, why did you say anything?
kai : same nasibb :P