it is ridiculous

and today went like,

" guys, what the adverse effect of corticosteroids?"

" oral candidiasis ! " the class echoed

" what method to prevent it? " the russian lecturer asked back

" ........ "

" .............. "

" antibiotics! " a guesser tried her luck

" ........... ! " -lecturer's

" IT IS RIDICULOUS ! " staring straight at the girl

and that went my day by being warning, and i was actually suck at guessing.

p/s : the answer was actually by asking the patients to gargle their mouth with water after inhaling the corticosteroids and spit out the water back.



ashftndm said…
it happen. look at the bright side, at least ur brave enuf! plus, that lec mesti dah knal u. ;D
Anonymous said…
Me: Antifungals?
Lecturer : ....
Me: ....
Lecturer : ....
Me: ....
Lecturer: Actually you can gargle with water.
Me: Just water?
Student A : Yeah, gargle with water.
Me: If you knew the answer, why did you say anything?
nuraru said…
sha: well, that lecturer supposed to know me that day as i used to randomly guessing. but i think just for that day ;p

kai : same nasibb :P