sometimes, i just got tired of every single things. A bit perk of that thing can rise up my hot blood. As yes, at the time of month, i am easily irritated like hell which also means i need to be alone for a while. I need it for most when everything around me is falling out of place, when everything running out of my pace, when i can't get hold of anything more. Mostly i am a someone that doesn't like to be on her own, doing thing by herself, but when the world hurts her, she just needs the clock stop ticking her so that she can put question marks to the wounds and fix the scars. And nobody knows you the way you know yourself. It's just you that have to hold on to your belief, your soul. When everybody is expecting you to be something else, do not let it sway you. Being 21, she prays she grows stronger by day. She won't expect much from others anymore, and she won't smile to the strangers any longer and she won't be a kind that give bothers to big heads much more. i wonder what happens to me today? i do not want to be a monster, and please do not let me be one.
" if you spend too much time thinking about a thing. you'll never get it done "
-bruce lee
