ever heard of that song? Seriously i was not till taylor swift covered for that song which turned out really really amazing. I like the part when she sang
" tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart? "
and her white blank page, staring back at her, deeming an explanation of falling to a wrong guy. and she has no reason for it. Imperfection is what it's all about.
" You desired my attention, but denied my affection "
credit goes to mumford & sons for the original track. ..
but what actually have to be said was
" O Allah, O Muhaimin, if i ever do fall in love with a man, do guide and secure my heart that i will not love him more than my love for Thee "
estrogen was rising up a bit. sorry for that
and tomorrow, there start my revision weeks . Here we go again girls & guys!
Stop complaining and live the life!
"Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds. "Al-an'am:162"
May Allah blesses for all the knowledge that we gain from Him. and good luck my friends!
