There was a time when i was torn between choices and seriously in need of guidance in making decision. I was desperate enough that i blurted the thing to almost anyone. Till i dumbfounded by my own act. I was tired. and damnly exhausted. I silenced myself and turned myself in to Allah. Istikharah was my last resort at the moment. I was hoping for a sign, maybe a dream to guide me. But i am a kind of girl that used to dream a LOT in my sleep. So i kinda twisted either it related to my istikharah or not. However i was not losing my hope and kept praying istikharah for the choices. There was a time in month of Ramadhan that i cried because of that unresolved matter. And it happened that i had a dream after that. That dream was long enough that i barely missed my Subuh prayer and it related to the matter, like giving me a sign. It was a dream after Subuh, so i didn't give a bother lah *people used to say mimpi selepas subuh from setan kan*. I kept the routine though as i believe nobody knows the best option for me other than Him. I prayed that when the time comes and there was still no sign for me, i was hoping that the decision that i made was the best for me. And few days back, i made it without hesitation. Only today that i knew the other option that i could choose was really bad for me. MashaAllah. The dream that i had the other day during Ramadhan after Istikharah though after subuh was so true. The story line was like 95% the same. Thank you Allah O Al Hadi, the most Merciful, that i could turn my soul only to.
" You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help (for each and everything) "
Al fatihah : 5